Friday, October 30th, Eli's daycare had a parent's night out. Jer and I decided it was time to go on a date together. The ladies at Eli's daycare were begging for Eli to attend (they really do love him and take wonderful care of him) and it has been almost a year since Jer and I went somewhere alone. The last time we went out without Eli was Jer's work Christmas party last December...
I picked Eli up from daycare early on Friday, went home, fed him dinner... then brought him back at 6:30. Jer and I went to dinner and movie. Wow.... cant believe that the last time I went to a movie was the day before Eli was born! (I was on bedrest....shh....)
Well, Friday night, Eli refused to go to sleep while at daycare. When we arrived at 10:45, he was wide awake in the rocker chair. Poor Baby... I felt so bad... it was like he was waiting and making sure we were coming back for him! I felt terrible! (To make him feel better --and myself-- I put Eli in bed with us around 4am and he slept with his mommy and daddy)
Eli with his sitter for the evening...