Eli had a wonderful Turkey Day! We traveled to Beaumont to Grams and Papa James' house. Great Grandpa, Pa, was there along with Great Uncle Roy. They traveled all the way from Waco to visit. Uncle Jamie was very excited to see Baby Eli and gave him lots of lovin'. We also visited the Matsuda's (Grams neighbor) and Eli hung out with Lucas.
Here is Eli being held by Ronald and being entertained by Lucas. Lucas is such a handsome boy! Ladies watch out!
Eli was talking to Pa and telling the first Thanksgiving. He told Pa everything he knew about the Pilgrims. He is soooo smart!
Eli and Uncle Roy hanging out
Eli and Uncle Jamie hanging out. Eli loved watching the fan on the ceiling
This "Captain Adorable" (thank you Tina and Stacy) played and played on the floor. He was the center of attention. We were all very thankful for this little blessing we had join the family. Mommyhood is sooo amazing. He lights up my every moments
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