Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Playdate with Maddie at the park

Eli and Mommy met up with Maddy and her parents for a playdate at the park. he is one cool little dude
Eli even drank water from a water bottle!! yes-- it was "baby water"


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Thank you for finding us and reaching out... It was good to see you little bundle of joy... congratulations and I know you are having so much fun... camping with a baby you guys are good... wow.... thanks for the info about your friend in Singapore it is always nice to know more people in Sing... we ex pats have to stick together... HE HE HE Thanks again

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Might be blind but I could not find Laura's blog...

Jones Family said...

Hey Lady! I just caught up on your blog. Eli is getting so big!!!! What a cutie. These sunglasses and the "I'm too cool" way he drinks from a water bottle is hilarious!
I'm excited to see Camille's post. Thanks for hooking her up with a friend in Singapore! That's crazy! Small world when you're dealing with Ags, huh? Love you guys and miss you! Let us know when you're bringing the camper out to the Redwoods!