We went to New Braunfels for our family river trip June 20th weekend. Eli stayed at the condo with Grams while we floated. However, we had a little pool for him with the cold river water in it and he wasn't too thrilled. Eli was just fine hanging out in the toobs and playing with Grams.
I didn't take but a few pics of the trip... here we are at The Gristmill... one of our fave places to eat. Eli had a great time flirting with the waitresses.
me and my wonderful hubby....
Josh and Cassie are friends of Michael's from college (I think). I don't have pics of our swimming and "cliff diving" at Canyon Lake, but Cassie jumped off of a super duper high cliff into the water... she was brave!!
Eli tried on Uncle Michael's hat
It was a great trip... sorry for the lack of photos. I think Michael took some pics but I don't have them....
Oh, one of the coldest things ever!!-- Michael had this "great" idea to swim in the river that comes out of the bottom of Canyon Lake. So here we all are... Michael, Jeramy, Jamie, Josh, Cassie, and I standing in this COLD water too chicken to really get in (or atleast past our knees). The water was so cold that our legs hurt from the temperature and turned numb and bright red in the end... Jer decided it would be funny to splash my back-- I snorted it was sooo cold! So for any of you daredevils... try swimming in the river there... reminded me of sticking my ankle in ice water bucket after spraining it.... yeah.. that cold.
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