Last week while in the playroom with Eli, I gave Aiden a bottle. After a while I realized that I wasn't the only one holding on to the bottle. Aiden had his precious hands wrapped around as well. I let go and he held it tight...
Now I am not one to push "holding your own bottle" or anything with growing up. I realized how fast it all goes with Eli. I feel like I blinked and poof! Eli was all grown up and running a muck in the house! While I caught this cute moment of Aiden holding his own, it saddened me as I realized it is coming soon no matter what I try to do. Babies grow so fast. In the matter of a year, you have a sweet, precious soul who depends on you for everything.... by the end of the year, they still depend on you...but can do so much more on their own. I best put on my seatbelt and enjoy this ride in life...for it all goes by too fast!
While Aiden was holding his bottle and entertaining me,
a balloon from Chick-fil-a entertained Eli...
a balloon from Chick-fil-a entertained Eli...
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