Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Art of Smiling

Eli has such a beautiful smile. I find it very hard not to return the gesture when he smiles at me. This little man brings so much joy (and frustration--haha) to our home! Eli received and artwork station from Michael and Tracy for his birthday. One morning he decided to do some art on the back patio.

Where in the world does the gun thing come from?? Are boys born with it? All of a sudden, Eli has become the little machine gun and 6 shooter! I hear bang bang and pow pow all the time! We really watch Disney/Mickey Mouse all of the time! Where did he get this? Here he is coming at me with his breakfast sausage-turned-six shooter!
Shhhhtttthhh... bang bang Momma!
The finale to the shoot-out was hide and go seek!

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