Saturday, September 4, 2010

Classroom Time with Mommy

During my in service week Eli came down with a nasty cold. One day he had a low grade fever so I took him to the doctor. He was okay, just had a bad cold and couldn't return to daycare for 24 hours. Well, Momma had some work to do in her classroom so Eli tagged along for a couple hours at the school.
This is Eli playing with his new airplane from Grams. Eli is super infatuated with airplanes. This was a perfect toy for the car and for our drive to school.
Once at EES, Eli was all over the classroom!

He loved Momma's Reading Corner and playing cards.
This was a disaster... he started throwing all the magnet letter across the room!
The next night was Meet the Teacher and I kept finding letters under desks and inside their cubbies! It kept me smiling and thinking about my little man that evening!

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