Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween 2010
Eli as the UPS man at daycare
Aiden the Surfer Dude

Once again I am behind in blogging. I have made a new year resolution to get this blog caught up and keep it that way.... so here we go again! I am posting tonight and will start the whirlwind of Moffitt Adventures!

This was the best 20 bucks that Jer has ever spent! Ha! Ha!

Eli has become quite obsessed with Mickey Mouse and Jeramy found this Mickey Pumpkin for the yard. Eli loved Mickey Pumpkin and greeted him every chance he could.

We heard a lot of "hi, bye, night night, good mornings" to Mickey!

Almost every evening after I picked the boys up from daycare,

Eli had to go check it out and touch it. Aiden was not impressed with it as much!

We purchased a family of pumpkins for the holiday and Eli loved them too! He would point them out every time he was near to door.... "Look Momma!"

One for Eli, one for Aiden, and the fairy tale pumpkin for Momma and Daddy.

Eli had the funniest costume this year. We picked it out last year, but everyone was sold out and came in too big of a size. Well, this year we scored!!

Eli was the UPS man getting off of work and heading to Hooters! haha!

He loved getting candy from the neighbors!

Eli and neighbor, Daniel.

Our neighbor, Gavin, was the cutest pirate!

Eli started trick-or-treating at 5:45 ish and went all through the neighborhood until 8pm!! He had a blast!

The neighbors loved the UPS delivery guy at their door!

I realize that Aiden is in none of these pictures.... well, he was there but not dressed up. We had a costume (Peter Pan) but it was too warm outside (note Jer is in shorts in the pic) and he was pretty fussy that night. He did dress up as a surfer dude for his daycare Halloween party and parade. I cannot wait until next year when he will actually get to enjoy the trick-or-treating too! I already have their costumes planned!

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