Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Camping Trip #2!

We kicked off Spring Break 2009 with another camping trip. We went to Martin Dies State Park in Jasper from Friday to Monday. The weather wasn't all that great but we still had fun and got some much needed R&R! Eli did a lot of snuggling! It was cold and rainy so we bundled him up in layers of clothes and blankies and sat by the fire.

I was so thankful for Spring Break last week-- I missed seeing and playing with my little man all day, everyday. Seems like it was yesterday when we were camping in Garner State Park announcing our pregnancy with Eli. Last years Spring Break I was 10 weeks preggo and so excited to share our news!

Uncle Jamie took great care of his little Eli while camping

Saturday was cold and rainy so Jamie and I hung out in the camper and watched a movie

Meanwhile, Eli and Grams took a nap
Eli and Grams played with his toys after their naps
Daddy and Papa James took a stroll to check out the park

Eli loved his bath in the camper sink! It was a perfect size!

Eli even took the time to read a couple books while on vacation!
Daddy drove the family around to check out another park and to eat dinner. Eli had to hold on to what we call the "oh crap, hold on!" handle!

Here we are at dinner.... yum, yum!

Okay... so this is the BEST place ever! We went to Woodville to eat at the Pickett House.... oh my! It serves boarding house style all you can eat fried chicken, chicken & dumplings, country vegetables, cobbler, biscuits & cornbread
Eli even gnawed on the cornbread for a bit... he loved it too! He was also reaching for the mashed potatoes~
Back at camp with Grams, hot cocoa , and the fire
lovin on Papa James by the fire

Eli slept in his own bed until early morning. Daddy put him in bed with mommy when 7am came around. The two love to sleep in when they can
Daddys blue eyed loves...
back to hangin with Papa James. I love this pic. You can really see the love that Papa James has for his grandson here. Its in his eyes.. his whole face as he looks at Eli-- proud Papa James
I love this moment too...
Our camper!
some of the land was "swampy". There were signs posted everywhere to watch for gators... Eli and Mommy didnt venture far. Daddy took these pics
This tree looks so creepy and so cool....

I hope you enjoyed looking at the pics... I know... it was a long blog post.

1 comment:

CAJenn said...

Wow-I can't believe the Pickett House is still open!! When we camped with the Moffitt's as kids, we went there countless times. But probably didn't appreciate it like we would now....how fun and glad you got to experience it!