Saturday, January 9, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

Putting up "Momma's tree" takes a long time. Daddy is never too happy when he realizes that it is time to put up the tree. "Momma's Tree" is 12 ft tall and themed.... not family friendly with kid stuff on it. To add to the pain and suffering it takes to get Daddy to help put up the tree, we had to cut all of the pre-lit wires out and restring the tree. We purchased the tree 3 years ago and every year we lose more strands of lights. So this year, we decided to take out the lights and redo it. Note to self-- never buy a pre-lit tree!! The "Mommy Tree" then has several rolls of ribbon wrapped around it as well as garland that wraps around some of the sections. In the past couple of years, I have purchased more than enough of the ornaments for the tree. And guess what? I still got a couple new ones this year to add to it! The theme?? Woodsy... I guess you could call it. The "Momma Tree" is covered with feather balls, fake birds, bird nests, pheasant feathers sticking out, glass ornament balls, and wood or pine cone balls. Sounds crazy, but it is pretty! Jer loves the tree in the end, but really hates putting it together.... it took us several hours to get it just right (after spending 3 hours to take out the lights it came with)
Eli loved watching Daddy begin his process of spreading the branches.

At one point I had to help Daddy with something on the tree so I left Eli in the upstairs playroom. Don't worry-- he was within site and was in the gated area. He threw a fit because he wanted to help!
The finished product.... one fine "Momma Tree"!!
And so the tree adding began.... once we realized that the "Momma Tree" was not kid friendly with kid decor... we purchased Eli's tree! See old post for pic!

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