Friday, January 29, 2010

What is he wearing??!!

I picked up Eli from daycare on January 7th and this is what I saw.....
he was wearing a Longhorn shirt! AH!!!!
It was the day of the UT bowl game against Alabama.
Eli wears a lot of Aggie clothes to daycare and one of the teachers in his room is a huge UT fan. She decided that this one day Eli could sport her team.
I laughed and said "what is that?!" when I saw him...
however, Jer didn't think it was as funny as I did.
He let Eli sport it for the evening since I wanted pics.
But now it is forever in the dresser drawer (according to Jer).
Actually, he has worn it 2 more times since then... bedtime t-shirt and once for play day at home.


Tisha said...

I'm so excited to see that someone finally put the handsom little man in some orange! Hook em'!

Jeramy, Terrie, Eli, and Aiden said...

hahaa! You are so proud, aren't ya?!

I think it is funny! Hope all is well, we miss you and call next time you are in TX

Tales from the Trails said...

Poor baby. I hope this doesn't cause many years of therapy, HA HA!!

The Bente Family said...

Ha!!! That is too cool, someone has a great sense of humor. Hook'Em Horns!!!!