Thursday, June 2, 2011

Let 2011 Summer Begin!

.... and let's try to rewind on our Moffitt Memories! I am so far behind on the blog, I have procrastinated long enough. With each passing day and adventure, I have felt more and more defeated with time and blogging. I decided that I CAN DO THIS! I tell my students, I tell my own kids, I tell family and friends that anything is possible and nothing can stand in your way. Well, here I go.... here I go with rewinding (once again) on our adventures with the blog. I need to and want to print this into a book. This is where I capture our moments that make us smile. This is where I will look back and remember....

Since the last blog post, we celebrated Christmas at Nanna's, our home, and Grams house. We rang in the New Year at home as a family of 4. Aiden took his first steps, got two spankin' new and pearly white teeth, and turned one years old! Eli has wow'd us with his colors, shapes, and number counting through 14. He has really taken to the powerwheels and hanging in the cul-de-sac with the neighbors, as well as becoming a super sweet big brother (at times). Jeramy and I have grown closer together as we maneuver through this journey of parenting. We have even thought about adding another addition to the family! (We are still in debate) Next week, on June 7th, we will celebrate our 5 year anniversary... oh how time flies when you are having fun and in the arms of the man you love!

Read on.... rewind with us...... and celebrate the good life.

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