Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Party for Aiden

Eli had an ice cream party for Aiden last Sunday (July 11th) with our friends.
There were tots going up and down the stairs...
Playing in Aiden's room....
Friends were snuggling Aiden...
(Craig, Jaime, and soon-to-be-here Emma, with Aiden)
The Beebe's came along for the fun and snuggles!
Lots of ice cream was gobbled down as it was a "build your own sundae" party~
Tots and moms were hanging out in the playroom as well!
The Beebe babes in Aiden's room....
Eli's room was used by the bigger girls for their hangout room!
Tyler, Chesney, Isa, and Dom were too cute!
Eli and Aiden sported their Big and Little Bro shirts!
Chelette, Jaden, and Baby Bump C came over as well for some fun!
Jaden seemed a bit overwhelmed by the loads of tots in the house!
Chelette brought Eli this sand/water toy... it was a huge hit with him!
Penny and Colton...
Even Eli's "flame" from daycare came over to meet Aiden and play! Sara has grown so much! The two played together as if they hadn't been apart!
A birds eye view of the living room...
Aiden with Tiffany....
Loving on Angie....
Aiden with "the ladies"!!
Isa, Gabby, Chesney
Precious Aiden stayed awake for most of his party!
He did very well being passed around and loved on!
Towards the end of the party, Uncle Michael pulled out his toddler bouncer and the kids hopped on in!
Eli and Sara
We had 41 people over for icecream and playtime. WOW! It was so much fun!
Thank you to all our friends that came over for the afternoon to meet Aiden!
It was wonderful seeing you and spending time with your babies as well!

1 comment:

Tales from the Trails said...

Oh my goodness, I completely forgot about it. I am so sorry. We were working in the yard and jumped in the pool afterwards could have used a scoop of Aiden Ice Cream : )