Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Woodlands Children's Museum

We went to the Woodlands Children's Museum the week it reopened.
It was so much nicer than it was before.
We loved the new location and the set up!
Penny and Maddie joined us for the day as well.
Eli loved the firetruck with working lights on top!
He drove Mommy and Aiden all around! Eli pulled cash at the ATM....
He and Maddie shopped for groceries.
They played house...pretended to be King and Queen...

Eli played with the puppets...
he played in the colored sand...
Penny and Maddie played in the truck...
Aiden took his nap while Mommy toted him around.
Eli loved the tunnel!
He ran through the tunnel over and over again!
He drove Maddie in the firetruck... (is this a date?)
She drove him... notice, he went to the backseat!
Maddie! Keep your eyes on the road!! haha
They even spent some time at the craft table coloring and drawing pictures.
Eli ended his playtime with a belly stamp!
Maddie got one too!

It was a busy day!

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